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Nurse Leaders

Katy Rees

Transition to Adult Services Clinical Nurse Specialist

Katy is the Transition to Adult Services Clinical Nurse Specialist, supporting young people in the trust to transition from children to adult services.  She is facilitating the ROH Youth Forum giving young people a voice at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. 


Katy trained as a Paediatric Nurse at Wolverhampton University and started her career on Ward 11 at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in 2005. She stayed at the Royal Orthopaedic for 10 years and worked as a Spinal Clinical Nurse Specialist with the Spinal Deformity team and then moved into research. In 2015 Katy worked in the community within the Special school nursing team as a Nurse and then as a Team Leader. She returned to the Royal Orthopaedic hospital in February 2023 in her current role as the Transition Lead.