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Medical Appraisal is the appraisal of a doctor by a trained appraiser, informed by supporting information defined by the GMC, in which the Doctor demonstrates that they are practicing in accordance with the GMC guidance Good Medical Practice across the whole of their scope of practice.

If your annual appraisal is due whilst working at ROH you are expected to have an appraisal with the ROH.

At the ROH we use PReP to support the medical appraisal process.

Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust - Premier IT Revalidation e-Portfolio

How to undertake an appraisal at the ROH

  1. Contact Alison Newman who will create an account for you and allocate you to an appraiser
  2. You should receive an email with your log in and password from Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust - Premier IT Revalidation e-Portfolio This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  3. Log in and ensure you are familiar with the site (there is a quick reference guide below)
  4. Contact your appraiser and arrange a date for your appraisal meeting
  5. Prepare your supporting information
  6. Upload this to PReP in advance of your appraisal meeting, as part of the input form, with your reflection/review of the information
  7. Your appraiser will write up a summary after your appraisal meeting
  8. You will be asked to provide feedback on the appraisal and finalise the appraisal process

Supporting documents required for your appraisal 

  1. Scope of practice/External work: you need to state what you do that relies on your GMC membership (your roles as a doctor) and have letters from the other NHS or private hospitals to say you are in good standing etc.
  2. Probity and Health, Conflict of Interest: state that you’ve signed the declarations in PReP and describe any conflict of interests.
  3. Mandatory Training: Please confirm that you are up to date and if needed state which parts are still left to complete and when you are booked in to complete them. The L&D dept can provide you a list of what you are expected to have completed.
  4. LAST year’s PDP: look it up on PReP and make an honest review of what you have done and how useful it was.
  5. CPD: courses and conferences etc. Write down what things you have done and review whether they were useful or not. Have these changed your practice?
  6. Quality Assurance/ Activity/Audit etc: in here you can describe or list the things you have done. A summary of your registry data and your activity is ideal. You can describe research, teaching and management activity. Key is, that it is your review and reflection on the year.
  7. Significant Events: describe and reflect on any never events, critical incidents, complications etc
  8. Feedback from colleagues and patients: a summary with reflection of your thoughts. You can upload any you like into PReP but ENSURE no patients are identifiable.
  9. Complaints and compliments: The key is your thoughts and reflections on the incidents, complaints, litigation that have happened. Details can be discussed at the meeting.
  10. PLAN for this year’s PDP: make some suggestions about what you want to achieve in the next year for YOUR development (NOT service development)

The PreP software should guide you through the process. The emphasis is on your reflection and review.  What have you learnt and how can you improve?

Revalidation is the process by which licensed doctors demonstrate to the GMC that they are up to date and fit to practice. One cornerstone of the revalidation process is that Doctors will participate in annual whole practice medical appraisal. On the basis of this and other information available to the responsible officer from local clinical governance systems, the responsible officer will make a recommendation to the GMC, normally every five years, about the Doctor’s revalidation. The GMC will consider the RO’s recommendation and decide whether to continue the Doctor’s license to practice.  The RO at the Orthopaedic Hospital is currently Mr Revell.