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St Laurence pupils raise funds for the Children and Young People's Centre at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital has welcomed fundraisers from a local school, to see how their donations are going to make a difference to other young people’s lives in the region.

Children from St Laurence Church School in Northfield raised a whopping £2,500 for the Children and Young People’s (CYP) Outpatient Department at the Birmingham hospital.

Staff at the ROH took the chance to show the children the impact their donation will make to the CYP outpatients department, and were able to speak about the charity and careers in the NHS.

Pupils at St Laurence’s raised money by holding lunchtime stalls, taking part in games and raffles, raising a fantastic sum which will support the CYP outpatients department.

"It makes me feel really proud"

Rhian, one of the children on the pupil leadership team at St Laurence School, said: “It’s really good to see where our fundraising money is going to and learn more about the hospital. It makes me feel really proud.”

Previously, charitable donations have been able to purchase entertainment units and interactive games for children in waiting areas, as well as a renewed sensory room and installation of ‘under the sea’ themed wall art to make the space welcoming, friendly and put younger patients at ease.

Ali Gray, Charity Manager at ROH Charity, said: “These kind of partnerships with the local community are so important to us, and we really value when local children take it upon themselves to support us. The funds raised will enable us to give young patients at ROH an even better hospital experience, and for that we are so grateful.”

Marie Peplow, Chief Operating Officer at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, said: “it’s fantastic to show the school children the difference their donation will make first hand, and thank them for their generosity.

“It’s been wonderful to inspire the next generation and show them what a career in the NHS could look like, and the range of exciting roles which are available in a trust like ROH.”

Make a donation

To make a donation to the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital Charitable Fund, visit: