First JointCare Day Case surgery at the ROH

Through the work of talented individuals at the ROH, we are delighted that our Day Case arthroplasty surgery (hip and knee replacements) is up and running!
The day case surgery forms part of our JointCare pathway for all hip and knee replacement patients and is based on the ‘wellness’ model.
The wellness model concept focuses more on what patients can do, rather than what they can’t. It emphasises early mobilisation, group therapy sessions and is delivered in an environment which reinforces wellness, movement and recovery. Expectations are consistent along the entire pathway leading to happier, more engaged patients, and by developing a robust patient and family education system, patients are more likely to quickly regain their independence.
Patients are encouraged and empowered to play an active part in their own preparation and recovery, working in partnership with our clinicians.
Mr Akash Sharma, Consultant knee surgeon and Day Case Clinical Lead, said: “This pathway is all about a smooth journey for the patient while they’re here, and enhanced recovery which allows patients to feel happy and confident to go home. Increased productivity is a great secondary benefit, which is of high importance for the NHS and has become an even higher priority following the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We discuss the Day Case option with patients in detail during their outpatient clinic appointment, and work with them to make sure it’s the best option for them and their recovery.”
Colin was our first JointCare Day Case hip patient at the ROH, and had a total hip replacement. He said: “I feel quite chuffed to be his first day case patient! I have no worries about my hip or getting pain now, it’s fixed and I’m back to full time work. The whole experience has been great!”
Mr Shakir Hussain, Colin’s surgeon, said: “It’s proven that early mobilisation after surgery helps patients recover quicker. It was a privilege doing the first JointCare day case hip surgery at the ROH, I’m so glad to see Colin is on his feet and getting out and about, and is back at work.”
Patients are provided with a JointCare handbook, and have access to an app, to help them with their recovery. Members of the ROCS (Royal Orthopaedic Community Service) team visit patients at home, and outpatient physiotherapy appointments will also provide support after their operation.
Bernard had knee replacement surgery with Mr Sharma at the ROH and was home on the same day. He said: “It’s the little things like knowing where the loo is at home and being back in your own bed at the end of the day. The ROCS team visited and gave me the exercises to do at home too, which has really helped my recovery.
Walking the dogs used to be a chore, now it’s a pleasure. I’m just back from a cruise and we walked about 10 miles a day – with no pain! It was amazing. This has changed my life for the better, I just can’t put it into words.”