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Royal Orthopaedic Hospital raises over £1k for hospital charity

The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital (ROH) Charity hosted their very own #BigTeaParty in celebration of the NHS’s 74th Birthday on the 5 July, raising a brilliant £1,040 for the ROH Charity by dunking biscuits and having a natter over a slice of cake.

Image caption: Fundraising Officer, Elaine, and Chief Executive Jo Williams at the Big Tea

Image caption: Donations from Morrisons and Starbucks

The NHS ‘Big Tea’ campaign is an appeal for communities to fundraise and join a national outpouring of thanks on the birthday of the NHS.

Ali Gray, Charity Manager at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, said: “The NHS Big Tea campaign is so much more than just fundraising. It’s about raising the profile of NHS Charities across the region and the impact we can have on hospitals. It was so lovely to see staff from around the hospital come together to support the ROH Charity.

“This year we worked extra hard to support and engage with staff, patients, students, and researchers to get them involved in our Big Tea celebrations, encouraging colleagues to pause for a cuppa and take a well-deserved break in their busy days, all while raising money at the same time.”

ROH Charity always tries to support patients and alleviate stress in whatever way they can.

Trust volunteer, Gill, distributed cakes and sweet treats to inpatients, completely free of charge as a gift from ROH Charity. Cards were also given to patients to raise awareness of the NHS Big Tea and the work of the Charity.

Image caption: Gill, ROH volunteer ready to distribute cake to patients and staff

Generous donations

Generous donations were made from Starbucks Maypole and Morrisons Bromsgrove, and Archies Flipflops donated orthopaedic flip flops which staff picked up at a discounted price, ready for their summer holidays.

As part of the NHS Birthday celebrations, staff and volunteers were gifted large boxes of Cadbury chocolates to thank them for their incredible work. Members of the ROH Board and Executive team hand delivered these to departments as part of the celebrations.

Jo Williams, Chief Exec at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, said: “We wanted to take the opportunity to thank the staff for all for the incredible work they do. The ROH is one team and by working together we really do change lives. It’s also ‘World Chocolate Day’ on the 7 July – so obviously we had to blend both of these celebrations together!”

Image caption: donations from Morrisons, Bromsgrove

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