Celebrating at the 2018 Staff Awards!

Staff from across the organisation were recognised for their outstanding achievements in patient care, clinical excellent, personal development and innovation. It was a great opportunity to celebrate the people who make such a difference to patients.
There were record numbers of nominations and it was really competitive because they were so many examples of people going above and beyond.
Paul Athey, Acting CEO said;
"What’s consistent across the longlist and the shortlist of nominees is tangible evidence of our values in action. I find it personally rewarding to be a part of recognising people who are demonstrating our values and making a difference to the patients we serve.
Celebrating success is incredibly important. So much life-changing care is provided every day at ROH and it’s right that we should pause for an evening and celebrate the things that we do well."
The winners
The awards were presented in twelve categories and the winners are included below:
- Leadership achievement of the year award: Gavin Newman
- People's choice award: Craig Pinner
- Achieved excellence in personal development award: Uzo Ehiogu
- Innovation award: Rapid Recovery Project
- Performance improvement award: Vickie Pring & Enderjit Aujla: RTT patient tracker
- Outstanding contribution to patient experience award: The Housekeeping Team
- Patient safety award: Mandy Johal, Freedom To Speak Up Guardian
- Clinical team achievement award: The Outpatients Team
- Non-clinical team achievement award: Large Joints Medical Secretary Team
- Chair and Governors award for engagement: The ROHBTS charity
- Chief Executive Officer Award: Jonathan Bamford, Project Manager
- The Trust Board Award: Uzo Ehiogu