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Egidio da Silva

Egidio da Silva

Consultant Anaesthetist

Dr da Silva’s practice extends between Perioperative medicine, Anaesthesia and Level 2 Critical Care cover.  In his perioperative medical role, he runs a weekly all-day high risk clinic. This clinic reviews patients deemed high risk for anaesthesia or surgery or patients with complex medical backgrounds.

Dr da Silva continues to provide anaesthesia for adult and paediatric patients undergoing Spinal, Orthopaedic, Interventional Radiology and Orthopaedic Oncology procedures. 

He obtained Fellowship from the Royal College of Anaesthetists in 2003 then completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Education of Health professional in 2007 at the University of Birmingham. He was admitted onto the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council in March 2007. He completed a Fellowship in Neurocritical care/ Neuroanaesthesia, Cambridge in 2007. 

In late 2007, he took up a Consultant post at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham. In 2012, Dr da Silva was admitted as a council member of the British Society of Orthopaedic Anaesthetists (BSOA). He held the position of Clinical Director for the Department of Anaesthetics and Critical care from 2014-2016, at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital (ROHFT).

He resigned the Clinical director post when was elected onto the Executive Committee as the Treasurer for the BSOA in 2016. He practices privately in the above specialties as well provides anaesthesia for common specialties e.g. cardiology and oculoplastic/plastic surgery. He continues to advise clinical improvement processes locally at the ROHFT and nationally through the BSOA.

His roles bridging ROHFT with the Royal College of Anaesthesia include:

Difficult Airway Lead (Anaesthesia)
Peri-operative Medicine (POM) Lead(Anaesthesia and Medicine)