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Jenny Belza
Board and Executives

Jenny Belza

Non Executive Director

A registered nurse with over 40 years’ experience working in the NHS, Jenny undertook her general nurse training in South Wales and then specialised in neurosurgery and has worked in acute hospitals in Cardiff, Cambridge and Leicester.

She has held several senior positions as a NHS manager within hospitals, health authorities and Primary Care Trusts (PCTs). Jenny worked for 11 years in Birmingham in senior commissioning roles. Her most recent full-time position was as a Chief Nurse in one of the Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). 

She has extensive experience of working at Board level including as a Non-Executive Director and Vice Chair at Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust and is currently a governor at University College Birmingham.

Jenny is passionate about ensuring patients receive safe, effective care of the highest quality, addressing health inequalities and supporting the development of a compassionate and inclusive workforce.