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Guy Morris

Guy Morris

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Guy Morris is an orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in the treatment of bone and soft tissue cancer (sarcoma), he is also an arthroplasty surgeon performing both primary and revision hip and knee replacements.

He completed an undergraduate degree in Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention before graduating in Medicine from the University of Leicester in 2007. He undertook his higher surgical training in the West Midlands on the Birmingham Orthopaedic Training Program and obtained his Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in Trauma and Orthopaedics in 2017. He then gained further experience in the specialist field of oncology and arthroplasty during his fellowship in Sydney under Professor Paul Stalley at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital; the largest sarcoma unit In Australia.

He has authored a number of papers in international journals and is himself a reviewer of scientific papers and textbooks. An honorary clinical lecturer at Birmingham University, he has maintained an active interest in teaching and has lectured on FRCS revision courses, been an examiner for mock FRCS examinations, and regularly contributes on the registrar teaching program.