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Ahmed Kafafy
Pain Management Service

Ahmed Kafafy

Consultant in Pain Medicine

Dr Kafafy started his UK training at King's College hospital then the Royal free hospital in London, he then moved to the Midlands for more advanced pain training. He completed his specialist training at the Dudley Group of hospitals, which is a tertiary referral center for pain, and Neuromodulation.  

He gained wide experience having worked as a Pain consultant at different UK hospitals, started in Guildford, then moved to Gloucestershire for more than 3 years and he’s now back in the midlands.

He holds several qualifications in both Anaesthetics and pain medicine including a Master of Science (Msc), Doctor of medicine (MD) and also the Diploma of faculty of pain medicine from the Royal college of Anaesthetics (DFPMRCA)

Dr Kafafy has a wide experience and interest in different Spinal, Joint injections and Radiofrequency ablation. He has taken a keen interest in both national and International education: he joined the Sarajevo Anesthetic Forum faculty in 2011, responsible for organizing annual workshops and lectures for medical students and trainees in Eastern Europe. He volunteers with charities and humanitarian organizations to teach doctors and Paramedics around the world.