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Patient Information

Transition to Adult Services

When young people approach the age of 16 to 18 years old, treatment will move from Children’s Services and continue in Adult Services. This means that you will now be seen in the Outpatient’s department for your appointments and you will be admitted for any procedures through ADCU (Admissions and Day Case Unit) or one of our adult wards.

We are aware that being a young adult using adult services can be daunting, especially if it is your first experience of staying in hospital. 
This information leaflet is intended to provide you with a better understanding of what support and reasonable adjustments are available to young people and their families to help with this hospital journey.

Supporting you

We have a dedicated Transition to Adult Services Clinical Nurse Specialist. Their role is to provide specialist care, support and advice to all patients aged 16 – 19 and their families whilst in the hospital. The Transition to Adult Services Clinical Nurse Specialist also helps to prepare patients for the transition to adult services, from the age of 12 in the Children’s Outpatient department. They are always happy to help, if you have any concerns or would like more information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone numbers for our Transition to Adult Services Team can be found below: 

Transition to Adult Services Clinical Nurse Specialist: 07919 396148

Transition to Adult Service Nurse: 07919 396277

Admission to hospital

If you are coming into hospital for treatment, you are able to bring one parent/carer with you to support you if you want. Our hospital charity (The Royal Orthopaedic Charitable Fund) generously funded the refurbishment of some side rooms specially for our Young Adults. These side rooms are available to ensure you and your family feel as comfortable as possible whilst staying with us. Our charity is all about funding the added extras to make our patients feel supported, which is something so important.

What’s available to you in the Young Adult Rooms

  • Smart TV
  • BBC iPlayer, Catch up TV, Amazon Prime Video and much more
  • X-Box 360 with multiple games
  • DVD’s
  • Nintendo Switches

Please bear in mind that these items are subject to demand and may not always be available. Speak to the nurse looking after you so that you can make the most of these!

Having a loved one stay with you

This may or may not be your first stay overnight in hospital, but we support the fact that you may appreciate to have a loved one with you whilst you recover from surgery. If you are in a side room, we are able to accommodate one family member, partner or friend who must be over 18 years old who can advocate for you if needed. Please ask a member of staff on the ward who can provide bedding etc. and a recliner chair. If you would like a parent/ carer to stay with you please discuss with the Transition CNS beforehand, who can make appropriate arrangements.


There are many local hotel facilities close to The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital for your family to stay close by. Use our postcode B31 2AP to find accommodation close to the hospital.

Car parking

As a young adult patient, you and your family are entitled to discounted car parking rates. You can pick up a form from a member of the nursing team. You will need to display the bottom section on the dashboard and the top section will need to be completed and given to a nurse on the ward for them to scan to the car parking team.                                                

Food and drink

Although we encourage all our patients to choose one of our healthy options from our catering menus, we are aware that sometimes our patients struggle to find something of their fancy. Therefore, we have made some alternative options for you to choose from on our Young Adult menu. Staff on the ward will provide you with a copy of both menus each day to choose from. Parents must provide their own food for themselves.

Café Royale

Café Royale is situated on the first floor of the Treatment Centre (down the corridor from X-ray), serving hot and cold meals and drinks, light refreshments and snacks. There is also 24-hour refreshment facilities and a microwave available for anyone to use.

Royal Voluntary Service (RVS) kiosk and snack trolley

We have a small kiosk near the Outpatient department selling hot or cold drinks, snacks, magazines, newspapers and toiletries.

Visit our gardens

  • ROHBTS Memorial Garden
  • Courtyard Garden      

Sometimes a little fresh air can make you feel lots better, do ask your care team if you are able to leave the ward first though.


We have contacts with James Brindley Hospital school and can make a referral to them if you are going to be an inpatient for 5 days or longer.
James Brindley can support you with:

  • Work already set by your school/college
  • A level 2 qualification in English & Maths
  • Wherever possible, specialist teaching for A Level subjects (10+ days of admission)
  • Arranging examinations within hospital
  • E-learning or virtual classroom lessons/support where appropriate
  • Careers advice from our Careers Team if you are not at school or college

You can self-refer by visiting: or if you would like more information regarding this, please speak to the Transition Nurse or ward staff.

High Dependency Unit

Dependent upon the type of surgery you have you might need to be cared for in HDU for a short period following your operation. HDU is an area within theatres which cares for patients who require close monitoring usually 1:1 care after surgery.

Admissions to HDU are usually planned events and you will be informed of it in your pre-operative assessment. Unfortunately, facilities for parents to stay with you in HDU is not always guaranteed dependent on the availability of side rooms, but we will try and accommodate parents if possible.

Privacy and Dignity                

We actively promote the importance of maintaining each individual’s privacy and dignity during their hospital stay. Information sharing is dealt with confidentially and shared on a need-to-know basis.

Infection Control

Infections aren’t fussy...please help us in our quest to prevent and control infection.

  • Please use the alcohol gel on entry and exit from the ward.
  • Do not allow visitors to sit on your bed.
  • Stay away from the ward if you have any flu like symptoms.

Unfortunately, we do not allow flowers within the hospital.

Faith Services

The Trust has a dedicated multi-faith room located in the treatment centre on the ground floor. This room is open at all times for patients and visitors. Facilities to wash and items to facilitate prayer or mediation are available in the room. We encourage our parents/carers to utilise this facility if they so wish as the wards can be busy and bed spaces may be interrupted due to care.

Other facilities and information    

  • The Trust operates a no smoking policy. Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the site.                                          
  • There is a cash machine within the Trust opposite the X-ray department.
  • There is free access to Wi-Fi. Search for NHS Wi-Fi and sign into the network.

Feedback / complaints

We are always keen to hear your views on the service we provide. If you have an idea or suggestion, please let us know.

During your stay you may be asked to complete a feedback form either electronically or a paper version. We use your answers to develop our services to improve future care.

If you are unhappy with your care, please speak to the nursing staff on the ward.

Alternatively, there is a Patient Advice Liaison Service (PALS) available and a member of staff can provide you with an information leaflet for their service and details of how to contact them.

We’d love to know your thoughts on our Young Adult facilities, please share your feedback during or after your stay.

Join our Youth Forum

We are looking for young people to be involved in our Youth Forum. The forum will help represent the views of young people and will contribute to improving the experience for young people who use our services. If you would like to be involved in the forum or would like further information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0121 685 4128.

The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital | T: 0121 685 4000 |