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Children and Young People's Outpatients

0121 685 4159

The Children and Young People's Outpatient Department offers outpatient services in a purpose-build enviroment. We are located at the main hospital entrance, Gate C. Our team are experts in caring for younger people and work hard to provide you and your family with a positive experience. We work closely with other health professionals at Birmingham Children's Hospital to ensure your care journey is seamless.

Our facilities

The Children and Young People’s Outpatients Department offers an interactive space for young patients and their families.

  • The theme for the department is ‘under the sea’. Wall art flows from the waiting area through to consultation rooms and the relaxation room to help create a familiar environment for patients and visitors.
  • Entertainment units featuring interactive games for patients up to 17-years-old and offer a more inclusive, ‘clutter- free’ environment.
  • A renewed sensory facility has also been installed in the department.
  • The reflection room is a new addition and something the Trust has rolled out previously within its adult services. This is a space where patients and families can sit and reflect.

Information about conditions, treatments and more

Transitioning to adult services

About transitioning to Adult Services

In healthcare, we use the word transition to describe the process of preparing, planning and moving from children’s to adult services.

Transition is a gradual process that gives young people, and everyone involved in care, time to get ready to move to adult services and discuss what healthcare needs are required as an adult.

At the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, we use the Ready, Steady, Go programme to support children and young people moving into adult services. The aim of the programme is to empower young people to take control of their lives and to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to manage their own healthcare confidentially and successfully.

A short video about the programme can be watched here.

The stages of transition

12 years

Young person will complete the 'Getting Ready' process. This addresses any issues in bitesized pieces and goals are agreed.

View the 'Ready' document  pdf here. (284 KB)

13 - 14 years

Young person will introduced to the 'Steady' part of the programme for progress. Issues are addressed in bite sized pieces and goals are agreed.

View the 'Steady' document  pdf here. (265 KB)

15 - 16 years

Young person completes the 'Go' section of the programme. Ideally all issues will have been addressed at the point and any on-going issues will be highlighted with the adult services.

View the 'Go' documet  pdf here. (262 KB)

16 - 19 years

Young person is welcomed to adult services.

Young Person +/- Carer completes 'Hello' documents and issues are addressed by Healthcare practitioner. Periodically completed again to ensure skills maintained, any issues are addressed and goals are agreed.

View the 'Hello' document  pdf here. (328 KB)

Creating your transition plan

Transition plan

Parents / carers will need to complete the  pdf Ready, Steady, Go parent transition plan. (239 KB)

This transition plan is designed to help parents and carers feel confident about their knowledge and skills during the period of transition.

Welcome to Adult services

When young people approach the age of 16 to 18 years old, treatment will move from Children’s Services and continue in Adult Services. This means that you will now be seen in the Outpatient’s department for your appointments and you will be admitted for any procedures through ADCU (Admissions and Day Case Unit) or one of our adult wards. We are aware that being a young adult using adult services can be daunting, especially if it is your first experience of staying in hospital.

Support from a Transition to Adult Services Specialist

We have a dedicated Transition to Adult Services Clinical Nurse Specialist called Clare Hinwood. Her role is to provide specialist care, support and advice to all patients aged 16 – 18 and their families whilst in the hospital. Clare also helps to prepare patients for the transition to adult services, from the age of 12 in the Children’s Outpatient department. Clare is always happy to help, if you have any concerns or would like more information please contact: 07970874392 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact us

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We want to hear the views of young people and involve young people in decision making to improve and develop services for all young people who use our services.