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0121 685 4125


The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital provides hydrotherapy services to NHS patients with orthopaedic conditions. Hydrotherapy is a theraputic treatment that involves moving and exercising in water. Hydrotherapy is the combination of the effects of immersion and exercise and therefore further benefits are those associated with general exercise. This is achieved through the utilisation of the properties of water (warmth and buoyancy).

Our pool temperature is maintained between 34-35°C and the quality of the water is checked and maintained regularly. Access to the pool is via easy steps with handrails for support but there is also a full body hoist which has a maximum weight limit of 20 stone (127kg).


Hydrotherapy is accepted as an integral part of rehabilitation. Common benefits include:

  • Ease of movement and pain relief
  • Reduction of muscle tone / spasm
  • Reduction of swelling
  • Resistance to movement
  • Enhanced relaxation
  • Enhanced well-being
  • Functional activity re-activation
  • Enhanced cardio-vascular fitness
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Increased range of movement at a joint
  • Early rehabiliation of weight bearing or gait retraining
  • When patients are unable to complete land-based exercises
  • Improved core stability

You can expect your hydrotherapy treatment to be directed from either the poolside or from a physiotherapist in the water with you.


Your GP can refer you for hydrotherapy. The ROH referral criteria includes patients with orthopaedic conditions. There are other hydrotherapy providers in Birmingham and Solihull including Good Hope Hospital. Your GP will help you find the most appropriate service to meet your needs.

Private hydrotherapy

Our hydrotherapy pool is rented by a private hydrotherapy provider called Bluebell. Find out more about their service here.