Aneurysmal Bone Cyst with Sclerotherapy
Aneurysmal Bone cyst is a benign bone tumour that is common in children and young adults. Sclerotherapy has been proven to be effective in treatment of these lesions. This is being used in several centres across the world including Oxford, Boston and Sweden.
How does sclerotherapy work?
Sclerosant is injected into the tumour under general anaesthesia, which causes chemical ablation and subsequent bone healing and consolidation of the ABC.
Why have sclerotherapy rather than standard treatment?
Standard surgical treatment for patients with this has been an operation to scrape out the tumour from the bone and fill the cavity with bone graft or bone cement. Generally, this would be effective however there is increased morbidity particularly in the pelvis and when it is close to growth plates. Sclerotherapy would be performed using doxycycline (an antibiotic) and albumin (protein). Depending on the size of the tumour it may require 3 or more sessions. This would be done through small incisions under image guidance.
Do I have to be treated with sclerotherapy?
No. It is your choice to have the treatment but you are being offered it because the multi-disciplinary team (surgery, pathologists, oncologists, radiologists and nurses) who have reviewed your case feel it is the best treatment for you.
What will happen to me if I agree to sclerotherapy Treatment?
In the first instance, you will be seen in clinic to explain your diagnosis and proposed treatment. It will be checked that it is safe for you to receive sclerotherapy. You will of course be given an opportunity to ask questions about the treatment. Your doctor will see you in the clinic and explain the procedure. You will be encouraged to think about and discuss your options for treatment.
What are the side effects of sclerotherapy?
Pain is the most common side effect, but this would be managed with oral NSAID’s and /or oral narcotics.
Anaphylaxis and pulmonary embolism
Very uncommon (rare)
Death due to pulmonary embolism (only one anecdotal case, none in literature)
What if I have any concerns during my treatment?
If you have any concerns or questions about your treatment with sclerotherapy, you should contact our Radiology secretary- 0121 685 4000 extension 55131.