Pain Psychology
What is Pain Psychology?
Psychologists working in the Pain Management Service specifically work with patients who experience persistent pain and issues related to this pain.
Your doctor or nurse may have suggested that it could be helpful to meet with the Psychologist in this service. This does NOT mean that they believe “the pain is all in your head”. What science tells us is that pain has three parts: Biological, Psychological and Social. Psychologists are involved in the Pain Management Service because pain affects the way we think, feel and behave. We also know that our emotions and thoughts impact how we feel pain. Stress, anxiety and worry about what is happening to us can actually make us feel more pain. Pain can also affect people’s lives in a wide range of ways, including their ability to work, sleep, complete domestic chores and participate in social activities; this can have a significant impact on their roles and relationships, self-confidence and overall quality of life.
The way pain impacts on your life can understandably leave you feeling frustrated, angry or down and you may worry about the future because of the pain and how it affects you, the people around you and your life overall. These feelings in turn can negatively impact on your confidence and motivation, leaving you feeling even worse and stuck.
Why see a Psychologist in the Pain Management Service?
Psychologists do not prescribe medication or perform medical/physical procedures. Instead, they will work with you to understand your pain and how it has impacted on your life and mood. Having time to talk things through in a safe and supportive space and reflect on your experience can be extremely helpful. When we experience chronic pain, our world can become narrower, and we may stop doing things that are important to us or that give us joy or meaning in life. A psychologist can support you to identify your values and important goals and gradually help you to work towards these.
Once you have a shared understanding, you can work together to explore skills and strategies to help you with your pain, the impact of pain, the emotional distress often associated with pain and feel more in control of your life.
Who works in the service?
There is one Psychologist working in the Pain Management Service, Dr Catharine Powis. At times there may be Trainee Psychologists working in the service, who are under the supervision of the Psychologist.
What do Psychologists do?
Psychologists use and integrate a range of evidence-based psychological approaches while working with you. They provide a safe space where you will be listened to and supported. Therapeutic approaches can include:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, mindfulness skills and polyvagal informed exercises. You can always ask your psychologist if you have questions about any of these approaches.
What to expect from Psychologists in the Pain Management Service
Before you meet with the Psychologist you may be asked to complete some questionnaires. These help the Psychologist to understand how pain affects you in different ways. You may be asked to complete these when you come for an assessment instead.
The Psychologist will initially meet with you for 1-2 sessions to complete an assessment. This will help to clarify if psychological input around pain will be helpful for you at this time. You will be asked about the pain and its impact on you and your life. Your social circumstances and current situation will also be discussed. Your appointment(s) will last 50 minutes.
At the end of the assessment, you and the Psychologist will agree a plan together. Together, you might decide that a different service is better suited to your needs, e.g. a mental health service if your distress and difficulties are mainly linked with a mental health problem. In some cases you might agree that do not need psychological input at present.
If you and the Psychologist decide that psychological input around your pain would be beneficial, this could take the form of group or individual sessions. You might be invited to our Pain Management Programme. Alternatively, if individual psychological input would be most appropriate, you may be offered around 6 sessions. These will each last up to 50 minutes. The number and duration of sessions may vary depending on your individual needs and circumstances.
What information do Psychologists keep and how is the information stored?
The Psychologist will keep short notes of things they need to remember about you and your treatment. This information will be documented in your medical notes and kept confidential. Other healthcare professionals (e.g. doctors, nurses) involved in your care will have access to these notes; this is meant to ensure that all professionals involved in your care can work together efficiently. If any of the information you share is particularly sensitive, we will ask your permission before sharing it. Over the course of your treatment, the Psychologist will also write to your GP and the person who referred you to the Pain Management Psychology Service to update them on the plan we have agreed together and the outcome of the intervention, where relevant. These people are legally obliged to keep your information safe and confidential.
In exceptional circumstances, e.g. if there were concerns about your safety or the safety of someone in your care, we may have to contact your GP, local authorities or the Police. This would be discussed with you prior to any information being shared.
Please discuss any concerns you may have regarding the confidentiality of your information with the Psychologist.
What if I do not wish to see a Psychologist in the Pain Management Service?
You do not have to meet with a Psychologist. If you would like to decline this, you can contact the service to let us know. Alternatively, you will be automatically removed from the Psychology waiting list if you do not respond to this opt-in text or letter within three weeks.