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Support in Birmingham

Quit with Bella app

Stopping smoking has multiple benefits – food tastes better, sense of smell returns to normal, teeth and nails stop yellowing, money is saved and health benefits for increasing life expectancy by up to 10 years! ‘Quit with Bella’ is an app in Birmingham which anyone preferring to self-manage their quit attempt or seek additional support on their quit journey can download.

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Help from GPs and Pharmacies

There are over 300 GPs and pharmacies delivering stop smoking services in Birmingham. For those who would like one-one support there are multiple smoking cessation advisors around the city.

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Support in Solihull

Stop smoking service

Did you know you’re three times more likely to quit with the help of a stop smoking service? The Solihull Stop Smoking service is free and easy to access if you live in Solihull, or have a Solihull GP.

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