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We believe in the power of partnership and we are always open to collaborations which align with our mission to reduce pain, restore independence and help people live healthy, active, fulfilling lives.

Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System

In England, an integrated care system is a statutory partnership of organisations who plan, buy, and provide health and care services in their geographical area. The organisations involved include the NHS, local authorities, voluntary and charity groups, and independent care providers. We are a partner in Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System (BSol ICS).

Our vision as a partnership is to make Birmingham and Solihull the healthiest place to live and work, driving equity in life chances and health outcomes for everyone. 

Musculoskeletal Transformation Programme

Since June 2021, the Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System has been collaborating on a programme called the Musculoskeletal Transformation Programme. As the local specialist provider, The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital is playing a leading role. It is an ambitious programme that is shaping the future of musculoskeletal care. This programme provides our Trust with a significant opportunity to support system improvement and ensure our expertise is utilised to support the best care for patients. There are five key strands to this programme:

  • Standardisation of procedure level clinical pathways
  • Standardisation of patient information and Advice and Guidance
  • Developing a digital platform to support self-management
  • Developing collaborative health promotion and prevention

Workforce planning and development The same level of system transformation is required in MSK services as is required in elective orthopaedics. The Musculoskeletal Transformation Programme is laying the groundwork for this transformation. Our ambition is to help build a coordinated, efficient system which meets local need now and in the future and helps to reduce health inequalities and promote good MSK health.

Birmingham Health Partners

Birmingham Health Partners (BHP) is a cluster of contrasting, yet complementary organisations in Birmingham.

This unique ecosystem enables the full spectrum of translational medicine: encompassing health data; an established local health system; academic excellence; and an extensive clinical trials capability

National Orthopaedic Alliance

The National Orthopaedic Alliance (NOA) is a membership organisation that brings together orthopaedic providers across the country to put orthopaedics at the top of the agenda.

The NOA provides us with an excellent opportunity to learn, share and pollinate good practice across the NHS, improving orthopaedic services for all

Federation of Specialist Hospitals

The Federation of Specialist Hospitals (FSH) is a coalition of specialist hospitals services and helps to ensure that the voice of specialist providers is heard.

As a specialist provider, we recognise the value and expertise that we offer to patients and as part of the FSH, we can amplify this message so that we can continue to create and sustain the services people need in the future.

We are a GIRFT accredited Surgical Hub

Surgical hubs are an important part of plans to increase surgical capacity and to offer hundreds of thousands more patients quicker access to some of the most common procedures. Hubs focus mainly on providing ‘high volume low complexity’ surgery. They bring together skills and expertise of staff under one roof – reducing waiting times for some of the most common procedures.

Improving quality and efficiency will mean patients have shorter waits for surgery, will be more likely to go home on the same day, and will be less likely to need additional treatment after surgery.