Become a Patient Safety Partner
Become a Patient Safety Partner
We're committed to providing safe services and we need your help! Become a Patient Safety Partner
The Patient Safety Partner (PSP) is a new and evolving role developed by NHS England to help improve patient safety across health care in the UK.
We are recruiting a team of PSPs to work alongside our staff, patients, and families to influence and improve safety within our hospital. PSPs can be patients, carers, family members or other lay people (including NHS staff from another organisation).
This is a great opportunity to share your interests, experiences, and skills to help develop the new PSP role and be a part of our team.
As a PSP, you will:
- Helping ensure patient safety is at the forefront of all we do
- Membership of safety and quality committees
- Involvement in patient safety improvement projects
- Working with the Trust Board to consider how to improve safety
- Involvement in staff patient safety training
- Participation in investigation oversight groups