Prestigious travelling fellowship awarded to Mr Jonathan Stevenson, Orthopaedic Oncology and Arthroplasty Consultant at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

The American British Canadian Fellowship, which facilitates orthopaedic experts to travel to North America, will see Mr Stevenson visit centres of excellence across the region to share expertise in orthopaedic oncology.
Mr Stevenson commented: “I’m grateful to the Bone & Joint Journal, British Orthopaedic Association, Canadian Orthopaedic Association and American Orthopaedic Association sponsoring myself and my colleagues Tom Quick, Xavier Griffin, Ciara Stevenson from the UK and Anand Segar, Sina Babazadeh, Maritz Laubscher from new Zealand, Australia and South Africa. During this academic opportunity we’ll be travelling to eight North American cities including the Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual meeting and the American Orthopaedic Association Annual Leadership meeting.
“During the Fellowship I’m looking forward to lecturing about prosthetic joint infection, particularly involving endoprosthetic replacements we use for our oncology patients at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, and recent advances in Metastatic Bone Disease in the UK. I’ll also be highlighting the BOOM (Birmingham Orthopaedic Oncology Meeting) audit outcomes, the BOAST guidelines for management of metastatic bone disease, our upcoming PORTRAIT (Post-operative radiotherapy in surgically treated bone metastases) trial, as well as the history of the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital.”
The American-British-Canadian (ABC) Travelling Fellowship is awarded by the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) to foster closer links between the future leaders of the trauma and orthopaedics profession in the USA, UK, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.