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Undergraduate Medical Education

Working in partnership with the University of Birmingham (UoB) and Aston Medical School (AMS), each year up to 480 UoB fourth-year medical students and 120 AMS third-year medical students complete a two-week musculoskeletal placement at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. The 120 AMS medical students also complete a five-day peri operative medicine placement at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital.

One of the unique teaching opportunities the Trust offers during the medical student placement is Patient Simulated Teaching (SIMS).

Birmingham Orthopaedic Teaching Programme (BOTP)

The BOTP, hosted by the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, is one of the largest and most successful orthopaedic training programmes in the UK and comprises 40 trainees rotating through 12 hospitals across the West midlands, all of which are committed to training.

The ROH hosts weekly teaching sessions, with 17 registrars rotationally working and learning with the Trust whilst delivering great patient experience and outcomes.

GP trainee placements and teaching

During rotational placements from the West Midlands Deanery, five GP trainees support the Trust in providing high standards of patient care, while receiving weekly musculoskeletal and orthopaedic training and teaching.

The Knowledge Hub

The Knowledge Hub is the Trust’s home for education and research.

The purpose-built Max Harrison Lecture Theatre has tiered seating for 120 delegates and has been designed to allow maximum visibility and comfort. Our modern audio-visual system incorporates a ceiling mounted projection unit with direct links for video and computer screens.

The Seminar Room, for smaller groups, has a seating capacity of 20. It is equipped with standard audio-visual aids, including a plasma screen with computer and video connections.

The Foyer and Mezzanine can be used separately or in conjunction with the lecture theatre and seminar room for clinical meetings. It provides ample space for exhibition stands, displays, workshops and demonstrations.

Library Services

The ROH Library is situated in the Knowledge Hub and is part of a consortium of West Midlands NHS libraries, known collectively as HeLM (Health Libraries Midlands). Membership is open to all Trust staff, students on placement (for the duration of their placement), those on the Birmingham Orthopaedic Teaching Programme, Trust council members and volunteers. We also welcome visits from patients and members of the public.

 To find out more about the Library services please visit our webpage