Attending an appointment - Children and Young Peoples Department
If you are coming to hospital for an appointment or for treatment, you are able to bring one parent/carer with you to support you. Please be aware that you may be seen alone for some of your appointment if you feel comfortable with this.
If you do have any concerns either before you arrive or during your visit, please speak to a member of staff who will be more than happy to help you.
Your appointment
Potential waiting time
At times clinics may run late. Please be understanding should this be the case on the day of your visit.
Chaperone service
A chaperone service is available to all patients. Please speak to the staff in clinic when you arrive to request this support.
Being seen on your own
You may be seen on your own as part of your appointment
You will have your height & weight taken as part of your appointment.
Your Consultant may request that you have an x-ray before your appointment or at the time of your appointment. A member of the team will let you know if an x-ray has been requested and will advise you further.
You may be asked to fill out different paperwork at your appointment, one of these will be a First Contact Form when you arrive. Please ask for support if you need it.
Supporting your Transition to Adult Services
We have a dedicated Transition to Adult Services Clinical Nurse Specialist. Their role is to provide specialist care, support and advice to all patients aged 16 – 19 and their families whilst in the hospital. The Transition to Adult Services Clinical Nurse Specialist also helps to prepare patients for the transition to adult services, from the age of 12 in the Children’s Outpatient department. They are always happy to help, if you have any concerns or would like more information please contact:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Transition to Adult Services Clinical Nurse Specialist: 07919 396148
- Transition to Adult Service Nurse: 07919 396277
Join our Young Voices Forum
The forum represents the views of young people and will contribute to improving the experience for young people who use our services. If you would like to be involved in the forum or would like further information, please email