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Brostrom Repair

What is a Brostrom repair?

The Brostrom repair is a repair of the damaged ligaments on the outside (lateral side) of the ankle. Normally this occurs due to an accident or injury when the ligaments are damaged causing you to regularly twist your ankle especially if walking on an uneven surface. The surgery is done if the ankle joint remains unstable despite having physiotherapy input.

What happens during my surgery?

The aim of the operation is to repair the damaged ligaments. A cut is made over the outside of the ankle. Small screws are placed into the bone on the outside of the ankle (lateral malleolus) and stitches attached to these screws are used to fasten the ligaments back in place.

What should you expect after surgery?

Plaster cast

Following your surgery it is normal to be fitted with a plaster cast and you will be discharged non weight bearing with elbow crutches. A physiotherapist will ensure you can mobilise safely with crutches before you are discharged.

Pain relief

It is normal to feel some pain after your surgery and you will be provided with some painkillers to help with this. It is important to take these as prescribed to keep pain to a minimum. Elevation of your ankle is also essential to prevent severe swelling. Your wounds and plaster will need to be kept clean and dry. The nursing staff will provide you with more information about wound care on discharge. Should you notice any signs of pressure sores from your cast i.e rubbing, blistering, redness or oozing please contact the hospital immediately.

Driving and work

You must not drive whilst wearing your cast. Please discuss this with your consultant or physiotherapist. When you can return to work will depend on what job you do. Your                 physiotherapist or consultant will be able to advise you on this.

Leisure activity and sport

The timescale for returning back to sport depends on your movement, strength and   particular sport in mind. Please speak to your physiotherapist regarding this.


Outpatient physiotherapy should be organised before you are discharged. Rehabilitation is essential if you are going to get the most out of your ankle operation.
If you have any questions or need any advice about your exercises then please contact the Physiotherapy Department between 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday to Friday on 0121 728 9442


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The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital | T: 0121 685 4000 |