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What is an X-ray?

An X-ray is an examination which produces an image of the structures inside the body. An X-ray beam is produced by the  X-ray machine which is absorbed by the body to obtain an image. It is a quick and painless examination. This information may help your consultant with diagnosis and planning of your treatment.

It is important that you inform the X-ray department as soon as possible if you are pregnant, or suspect you may be pregnant. Please call 0121 685 4000 and enter the extension number 55470. 

What happens during the X-ray?

  • You may be asked to change into a gown by a member of staff depending on which part of your body is to be examined.
  • We will make you comfortable and answer any queries you may have.
  • You will then be taken into the X-ray room. Depending on the area that is being examined you will either stand, sit or lay down.
  • The Radiographer will be able to see and speak to you throughout the examination.
  • The duration of the examination will vary depending on which area is being looked at.
  • You can expect to be in the X-ray department for up to 30mins, however many examinations are completed in a shorter time.

What happens after the X-ray?

If you have a clinic appointment, you will go back to see your medical professional in clinic. If no clinic appointment has been made or a GP has referred you for the X-ray the results will be forwarded to the medical professional or GP in charge of your care.


  • The use of X-rays will be kept to a minimum.
  • Radiation from X-rays are generally a lot less then other examinations such as a CT scan.
  • An X-ray of your chest, limbs or teeth is equivalent to a few days' worth of background radiation, and has less than a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of causing cancer ( 
  • There are no side effects from the examination and patients are able to get back to there normal routine straight after. 
  • More information is available on patient dose information is available via

More information

  • Car parking is available for patients and visitors in Gate C, parking charges apply. Find out more by visiting
  • The Trust is committed to keeping your information safe and secure. Find out more by visiting 
  • It is expected that staff, patients and visitors will treat each other with dignity and respect. We operate a zero tolerance policy towards acts of physical or verbal aggression 
  • Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) offers help, support and advice. You can contact PALS on 0121 685 4128. 

Contact details

Imaging Department - 0121 685 4135

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The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital | T: 0121 685 4000 |