Soft Tissue Biopsy
What is a biopsy and why is it needed?
A biopsy is a minor procedure that is done to remove a sample of tissue and this is sent to a specially trained pathologist to be analysed. It is one of the investigations that are necessary for the multi-disciplinary team to make a diagnosis at the Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting (MDT).
How is the biopsy done?
You will have your biopsy carried out in the oncology clinic or in the Ultrasound Suite. A small incision is made to remove a sample of tissue under local anaesthetic. The sample is transported to our specialist laboratory where the tissue is examined and a diagnosis is made.
What are the risks?
- There is a small risk of infection
- It is possible that the biopsy may need to be repeated
When will I know the result?
The biopsy result and the results of your other scans and X-Rays are discussed by the specialist team at our weekly MDT meeting and treatment is planned. This takes approximately 14 days but can sometimes take longer. You will be contacted as soon as the result is available either by telephone or letter. You may decide to return to the oncology clinic for your results or you can choose to have your results from your GP. You will be asked how you prefer to receive your results at the time you have your biopsy taken.
How will I feel after the biopsy?
You may experience some discomfort following the biopsy and you should find that simple painkillers like Paracetamol will be sufficient. If you think you may need any stronger painkillers, please ask your GP for a prescription.
Care of the biopsy site
- There will be a small wound which will be closed using steristrips (butterfly stitches) and covered with an absorbant dressing.
- The dressing and steristrips should be left in place for 24 – 48 hours and then you should carefully peel off the dressing and the steristrips.
When the dressings have been removed check that the wound is clean, dry and healed. If you experience any bleeding apply pressure to the wound and add a dressing.
Who to contact for information
If you have any queries or concerns regarding the biopsy or wish to contact a member of the multi-disciplinary team, please make contact with the appropriate secretary or nurse specialist/Macmillan keyworker.
Contact Information
Consultant |
Secretary |
Macmillan Key Worker / Nurse Specialist |
Mr Parry | 0121 685 4045 | Andrea Slade 0121 685 4052 |
Professor Jeys | 0121 685 4359 | Andrea Slade 0121 685 4052 |
Mr Tillman | 0121 685 4265 | |
Mr Evans | 0121 685 4151 | Nerys Davies 0121 685 4052 |
Mr Stevenson | 0121 685 4037 | Debra Dunne 0121 685 4052 |
Mr Morris | 0121 685 4021 | Debra Dunne 0121 685 4052 |
Mr Kurisunkal | 0121 685 4399 | Nerys Davies 0121 685 4052 |
Professor Abudu | 0121 685 4398 | Nicola Betteridge 0121 685 4031 |
Mr Etaiwi | 0121 685 4127 | 0121 685 4031 |
Role |
Contact name and number |
Oncology Nurse Consultant | Anita Killingworth 0121 685 4031 |
Teenage Cancer Trust Clinical Nurse Specialist for 16-24 year olds | Jane Forsythe 0121 685 4368 |
Macmillan Navigator | Lisa Doyle 0121 685 4031 |
Macmillan Navigator | Steven Bampton 0121 685 4031 |
Radiology Secretary | Julie Wells 0121 685 4000 extension 55851 |
More information
Macmillan | www.macmillan.org.uk |
Carers UK | www.carersuk.org |
Cancer Research | www.cancerresearchuk.org |
Cancer Black Care (CBC) | www.cancerblackcare.org.uk |
NHS | www.nhs.uk |
Teenage Cancer Trust | www.teenagecancertrust.org |
Sarcoma UK | www.sarcoma.org.uk |
Bone Cancer Research Trust (BCRT) | www.brct.org.uk |