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Subacromial Decompression (SAD)

Your shoulder is made up of three bones; the humerus, scapula and clavicle. The area where these three bones meet is called the subacromial space. Many tendons and a fluid filled cushion (a bursa) sit in the subacromial space which can get pinched and become inflamed with movement.

What is a subacromial decompression?

The aim of the surgery is to increase the size of the subacromial space and therefore reduce any pressure on the tendons and bursa. This is done by trimming away some of the bone so that the tendons are free to glide between the top of the humerus and the acromion. The surgery may be done arthroscopically (keyhole surgery) or through an open incision.

What should I expect after surgery?

It may take 3 months for the inflammation in your shoulder to fully settle after your operation. During this time, it is very important to keep your shoulder moving to prevent it from becoming stiff.


You may return from theatre wearing a sling. This is normally worn for 1-3 days whilst the nerve block wears off and to help with pain in the first few days. It is very important to discard the sling after this period to prevent your shoulder becoming stiff. Information regarding application of your sling is available from nursing staff.

Pain relief

A nerve block is sometimes used during surgery which means your limb may feel numb immediately after your operation. It is normal to feel some pain as the block wears off and you will be provided with some painkillers to help with this. It is important to take these as prescribed to keep pain to a minimum.


Ice can be helpful to reduce pain/swelling. Protect your dressings from getting wet with a plastic bag.  Wrap a bag of ice/frozen peas in a damp towel and apply for 10-15 minutes. This can be repeated every 3-4 hours.

Wound care

Your wounds will need to be kept clean and dry. The nursing staff will provide you with more information about wound care on discharge.

Driving and work

You must not drive whilst wearing your sling.  When you can return to work will depend on what job you do. Your consultant will be able to advise you on this.

Leisure and sport

The timescale for returning to sport depends on your movement, strength and particular sport in mind. Please speak to your Consultant regarding this. Remember, your shoulder will take approximately 3 months to significantly improve, with improvement continuing for 12 months.


You may require Outpatient Physiotherapy after your operation. If your consultant feels that this is necessary, they will refer you. Rehabilitation is important if you are to get the most out of your operation. There are some exercises provided in this booklet to help you regain the movement in your shoulder. You should try and do these three times a day.

More information

If you have any questions or need any advice about your exercises, then please contact the Physiotherapy Department between 8am- 4pm Monday to Friday on 0121 728 9442.



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