Opening address: Nikki Brockie, Chief Nurse, The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital
9.40 - 10:10am
Key note address: Details coming soon
10.10 -10:55am
Panel: Learning from Excellence Patient Safety Panel (nursing focussed) - Emma Steele, Deputy Chief Nurse and Rebecca Hipwood, Patient Safety Specialist - The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital
10:55 - 11:20
TBC - call for abstracts now open
11:20 -11.45am
Refreshment break / Exhibition
TBC - call for abstracts now open
12:15 - 12:40pm
Presentation: Title TBC - Dr Ruth Pearson, Education Lead, University Hospitals Birmingham
12:40 - 1:05pm
Presentation: Do lifestyle factors affect clinical outcomes from total knee replacement surgery?, Gareth Stephens, Head of Research, Audit and Development, The Royal Orthoapedic Hospital
1:05 - 2:00pm
2:05 - 2:30pm
TBC - call for abstracts now open
2:30 - 2:55pm
Presentation: Title TBC - Gp Capt Di Lamb RRC Phd, Defence Professor of Nursing, Royal Centre for Defence Medicine (Research & Clinical Innovation)
2:55 - 3:15pm
Refreshment break /Exhibition
3:20 - 3:45pm
Poster competition winners announcement
3:45 - 4:10pm
Presentation: PHD student TBC
4:10 - 4:20pm
Closing remarks: Nikki Brockie, Chief Nurse, The Royal Orthoapedic Hospital
4:20 - 4:45pm
This agenda is subject to change. Please check back regularly for latest updates.