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Advice when visiting a patient

Visiting times

1pm – 5pm
6pm – 8pm

Visiting is limited to 2 people at anyone time (including anyone accompanying the patient).

Young children are discouraged to visit. If you do visit with young children, please ensure they remain with you at all times.

You may be asked to leave the ward in the event of an emergency or the need for clinical care to be delivered.

If you need to visit outside of these times, please speak to the ward manager or nurse in charge.

Protected meal times
We ask visitors to avoid meal times from 12pm - 1pm and 5pm - 6pm, however relatives, carers and visitors can play a vital role in supporting patients hydration and nutrition. If you would like to visit during a meal time, please discuss this with the ward manager or nurse in charge. 

What to bring

Do bring:

  • Positivity! Encourage your loved one to move and recover. They need your support.

Do not bring:

  • Flowers (they pose an infection risk and will be disposed of)
  • Infections - if you have the symptoms of a cough, cold, flu or COVID, please do not enter the hospital
  • The whole family - only two visitors are permitted at any time
Do not visit if you are unwell

You should not enter the hospital if you have the symptoms of cold, flu, COVID, or any other respiratory infection. We work hard to keep infection out of our hospital. Please help us keep all of out patients safe.

Infection prevention

Please sanitise your hands when entering the hospital.

When visiting a patient on a ward, you should not sit on their bed.

Send a letter to a loved one

If you are unable to visit to visit, we can still help your loved one receive a message of support and encouragement.

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. including:

  • their name
  • date of birth
  • ward number
  • a message of support

Your message will be printed by our Patient Experience Team and shared with your loved one.

Confidentiality: your confidentiality is very important to us. Your letter will be kept confidential and when received, it will be printed and delivered the next working day. In line with GDPR we will not store your email address or contact you unless there is a problem in identifying the patient or delivering the letter. Your email address will be deleted after we have passed on your letter.

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