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ROH Patient Stories - Meet Ann

Ann had a metal-on-metal hip resurfacing, a procedure designed to help a patient with osteoarthritis. Now surgeons favour a combination of metal, ceramic and plastic components in hip resurfacing and total hip replacements.

Patients that received a metal-on-metal hip resurfacing or total hip replacement are monitored and, in some circumstances, like Ann, they require a revision hip replacement.  

Ann, who was 80 when she came to us for a revision hip replacement, shares her story with us and the importance of being actively involved in the decision-making for her care:

“My first meeting was brilliant. I arrived at the clinic, the staff were very happy and helpful. Everything my consultant did was thoughtful, from explaining everything in detail to showing me the X-rays.

“I went through the list of questions I had, like if and how much my movement could be inhibited in the future and I asked about mobility issues and length of stay in hospital. When the options were explained to me it was really reassuring as my consultant talked through his thinking as well as the different approaches, and I felt very involved in what I was going to go through.

“As a patient, I felt that being part of the decision-making process did two things. One, it helped me feel in control of what was going on, and the other, the respect I’m given as a patient, that I am an equal human being who is able to work these things out and then ask the questions I wanted to, was great.”

When you visit the GP, clinic or hospital, it’s important to discuss your options with your healthcare professional and together find the right choice for you. This is shared decision making and it starts by asking 3 questions. Find out more here: Royal Orthopaedic Hospital - Ask Three Questions