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Patient engagement is how we work with you to improve services. Your experiences and feedback can help inform how and where we provide care. We want to develop person-centred services and that means collaborating with you.

Get involved!

At The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, we are committed to offering the highest quality care to patients and service users. The views of patients (both adults and children), carers and members of the public are highly valued for developing services, recognising priorities and addressing concerns.

Join our Patient Participation Group (PPG)

The PPG group helps us look at ways to improve patient experience at the hospital. The group will discuss issues that patients and carers raise and consider actions that need to be taken to resolve them. We will also use this group to help us gain a better understanding of the priorities and concerns of service users. Members of the group will include patients, carers, relatives and members of the Patient Experience Department. The relaxed, friendly meeting takes place every six weeks. 

Please note the PPG will not deal with complaints, information on how to submit a complaint can be found by contacting the PALS department.

More information

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0121 685 4128

The Learning Disability and Autism Forum

The Learning Disability and Autism Forum is a space for people with learning disabilities, autistic people and their parents or carers to share experiences and work together to develop and improve services at our hospital.


Membership is open to:

  • People with learning disabilities and autistic people

  • Parents and carers of people with learning disabilities or autistic people

  • Staff members who either have or care for someone with a learning disability or autism

More information

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0121 685 4128

The Patient Experience Group (PEG)

Every 6 weeks on the Patient Experience Group meeting (PEG), staff and previous patients, members of the public and consultants, chat via zoom. The PEG is significant in healthcare organisations and helps directly monitor the patient experience. On these meetings, patients discuss their individual experience and specific areas of improvement following their surgical intervention with members of staff and clinicians specialising in the area of discussion.

Meetings include the weekly governance report, where incidents, RCAs, PALS contacts and complaints are discussed. This meeting covers both division 1 and 2 on a bi-weekly basis and informs the members of staff across the board of processes and procedures.

More information

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0121 685 4128

Youth Forum

We want to hear the views of young people and involve young people in decision making to improve and develop services for all young people who use our services.

The Youth Forum will allow us to understand what young people want from our services and will have input on building our Youth Forum as it develops!

This will be a relaxed session for young people with the support of health professionals and pizza will also be available!

*Young people under 16 will need to attend with a parent/guardian/carer.

For more information email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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