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Field of 1,000 crocheted and knitted poppies unveiled at ROH

Field of 1,000 crocheted and knitted poppies unveiled at ROH

A display of 1,000 red poppies and a life-size wooden horse has been installed at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital for the Birmingham Trust’s Remembrance Week activities

Field of 1,000 crocheted and knitted poppies unveiled at ROH

The poppy installation is made up of a life-size wooden horse on a field of 1,000 red poppies, with a display of white poppies and doves as a symbol of remembrance and peace.

The poppies were crocheted and knitted by the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust’s Knit and Natter group as part of its Remembrance Week activities.

Field of 1,000 crocheted and knitted poppies unveiled at ROH

Di Olalla, a member of the Knit and Natter group, comments: “We had the idea for the field of poppies after seeing another display, but we wanted to include something to commemorate horses in the service of war too. Thank you so much to all the patients, volunteers and staff who contributed to the project, this really was a group effort and it’s great to see so many people come together to help us commemorate Remembrance Week.”

Colleagues from across the Trust, including members of the Knit and Natter group and veterans, were joined by representatives from the War Horse Memorial to view the installation and share remembrance stories.

The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital is proud to be Veteran Aware. The Trust achieved the Bronze Award from the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme and signed the Armed Forces Covenant earlier this year.

Field of 1,000 crocheted and knitted poppies unveiled at ROH

Carl Measey is a Health and Safety Advisor at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital and served in the Royal Navy as a Petty Officer 1987-2010. He said: “After transitioning back to civilian life after 23 years’ service in the Armed Forces, I and what many others miss the most is that unique and magical ‘esprit de corps’ (a sense of mutual pride and shared loyalties).  Many civilian occupations are not able to come close to replicating or emulating these feelings - this sense of ‘worth’, but working at the ROH comes as close as any civilian employer could possibly hope to do. 

“At the ROH we have a strong and rare bond - we work closely together as a team, often in challenging circumstances. We have a great culture of supporting one another, bringing all our individual skills and experiences to the front line.  And every day we see the amazing results: delivering fantastic care and life changing positive outcomes for our patients, not to mention their relatives and friends.  Giving us all working at the ROH a shared sense of pride, shared loyalties and values - bringing out the very best in us all.”

Field of 1,000 crocheted and knitted poppies unveiled at ROH

Crocheted and knitted purple poppies are also featured in the display, helping to raise awareness for the Animal Purple Poppy Fund and recognise the sacrifice of animals drafted into the war effort. Susan Osborne, co-Founder of the War Horse Memorial, said: “Over countless wars, but particularly the two World Wars, tens of thousands of animals lost their lives to allow us to enjoy the freedom and democracy we enjoy today. Dogs were sent into the trenches carrying messages between soldiers, cats were sent to kill the rats, horses were used to pull heavy artillery guns and donkeys worked the mines to keep the war effort productive. When food ran out thousands died of starvation and when the conflict was over hardly any came home. We can never repay them for their service.”

The poppies will be sold following the event and a donation will be made to the Royal British Legion and the Animal Purple Poppy Fund.