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Computer use advice

Top tips

  1. Ensure your computer terminal is directly in front of you.
  2. The height should be comfortable with the eyes looking directly forwards avoiding a position of chin up or looking down to your lap.
  3. The Chair should be comfortable so that the arms are working at a posture of elbow flexion of 90°. Arm rests for elbow support are helpful and wrists should be flat on the desk.
  4. Your lumbar spine should be curved in a straight (shoulders back) position. You should not sit in a slumped posture.  Some ways of encouraging this are to raise one leg on a foot stool. To see whether you would benefit from this try sitting with the right leg or left leg on a foot stool.  Some people find the use of a kneeling chair encourages a straight position in the lumber spine.
  5. Ensure the screen is not over bright. Use of an anti-glare screen protection is advisable when you are working all day in front of the computer.
  6. Do not work for longer than one hour without physically changing your position for filing, delivering or making tea etc.
  7. Do not work late into the night for prolonged periods without ensuring adequate rest and exercise.
  8. Three times per day stretch the muscles of the shoulder and the neck in a circular manner. This can be performed by rotating the neck or sitting forwards and twisting your head round to look at the corner of the ceiling behind you. Shoulder shrugging exercises in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction 10 times per day can also be helpful.
  9. If your work is of a sedentary nature ensure regular aerobic exercise on a weekly basis, such as 20 minutes at a time of aerobics, swimming etc.

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) does not refer to any specific diagnosis. 

If you do experience prolonged symptoms which do not settle with simple postural advice, please inform your employer and consult your general practitioner.

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