The Spinal Team at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital offer comprehensive surgical and non-surgical care for a wide variety of routine and complex spine problems. Our surgeons are internationally-renowned and have published in a variety of high-ranking academic journals and delivered lectures in international conferences. The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital is an AO Spine Centre, meaning we are recognised for promoting excellence in patient care and outcomes.
By blending the expertise and skills of consultant spinal surgeons, a resident neurosurgeon, extended scope physiotherapists and other musculoskeletal practitioners, we are able to offer a holistic service to patients with the most appropriate and effective surgical or non-surgical intervention. Spinal services are seamlessly linked to our Musculoskeletal service.

Information about conditions, treatments and more
We are experts in delivering the most effective and appropriate treatment for degenerative spinal conditions.
Degenerative spinal conditions involve the gradual loss of normal structure and function of the spine over time. They are usually caused by ageing, but may also be the result of tumours, infections or arthritis. Pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots caused by degeneration can be caused by slipped or herniated discs.
Scoliosis and kyphosis are curvatures of the spine. Although most common in young teenagers, these deformities affect children as well as adults. In most patients these deformities of the spine are non-progressive; however in some patients, scoliosis and kyphosis continue to slowly progress throughout life, resulting in cosmetic issues, functional issues and occasionally painful and sometimes dangerous curvatures that must be addressed through spine stabilisation surgery.
Our specialist spinal services include treatment for emergency trauma, infection and oncology
- You have developed acne or spots to your back
- You have pressure ulcers, cuts or grazes
- You are a smoker or start smoking cigarettes, electronic cigarettes or take non-prescribed drugs
- You take the contraceptive pill, have the contraceptive injection, use the contraceptive patch or have a contraceptive implant
- You have developed a new medical condition
- You plan to take a holiday with a flight longer than four hours a month before or after your scheduled surgery
- You develop a cough, cold or infection prior to your admission date
- You are aware of dates that you may be unavailable for surgery
- You are pregnant or become pregnant.
Please be aware the above conditions can result in a delay at any point prior to your admission date for surgery. It is very important that you contact us as soon as possible to enable the relevant treatment or investigations to commence. If there is a change in your condition that is not highlighted to us prior to admission this could lead to cancellation.
Meet our team
Nursing team
Advanced Clinical Practitioner in Spines
Tel: 0121 685 4000 ext 55239 or 07767215241
Clinical Nurse Specialist - Adult Spines
Tel: 0121 685 4000 ext 55239 or 07584342593
Michelle Devlin (Based at Birmingham Children’s Hospital)
Clinical Nurse Specialist – Paediatric Spinal Deformities
Charlotte Rogers (Based at Birmingham Childrens Hospital)
Clinical Nurse Specialist – Paediatric Spinal Deformities
Tel: 07827306195